United States of America is a very attractive country for business. There is a misconception that the U.S. also can be an offshore jurisdiction. United States is not, and never was an offshore region.

Below you will find information on the states in which we register companies:

In USA we can find the following forms of companies:

•   Partnership - LLC (taxed as an individual person);
•   Corporation (Company) - Ltd. (Taxed as a legal person).

The most commonly used form - LLC. In the USA, LLC is an analogue of our partnership. The company can register for any participants: individuals or legal entities. Accountable for the taxes the company must be a physical person in the case of profit distribution on the choice of its members: the country of registration or in the country of nationality of participants. As a corporation, LLC must obtain a license as a U.S. Taxpayer. A year after the establishing the company, the LLC must present financial books. 
Most famous and popular states are Delaware, Oregon. Company LLC in these states are exempt from all taxes, if members of the company are non-residents and does not conduct activities or derive income in that country, and do not hire U.S. citizens for permanent work and have no office within the country.
Elitando company, having extensive experience in the registration of American companies and trust relationships with partners in the U.S., will present to you all the benefits of the presence of your business in this jurisdiction.